There is not enough access to food shelves and food delivery to meet the current needs of rural and remote Vermonters.

We need more fresh fruits, vegetables, proteins, and pantry staples to meet the nutritional and medical needs of individuals and families.

The charitable food system has historically lacked the choice of culturally relevant and medically specific food options.

Over 30 different languages are spoken in the Champlain Valley, which can create a barrier to accessing food.

Shame associated with visiting traditional food shelves prevents some of our neighbors from getting the help they need.

Grocery stores, restaurants, farms and food production facilities throw away millions of pounds of usable food.

You can help reinvent our charitable food system! Your support will be an investment in the infrastructure, food access, and capacity needed to get nourishing, fresh, diverse, and accessible food to all who need it – today AND in the years to come. We need to raise $7.5 million through donations from businesses, foundations, and individuals before September 2025 to meet our goal.

  • Renovate Burlington’s Food Shelf and Community Resource Center to create a welcoming, functional, and safe environment for all
  • Build new Food Hubs in Middlebury, Sheldon, and Grand Isle county that will allow staff to store more inventory and distribute to households throughout the Champlain Valley
  • Invest in coolers for the Colchester Food Hub that will make more fresh food available
  • Expand our vehicle fleet to deliver more of our neighbors
  • Innovate and expand our online market, which offers multilingual support for food ordering, pickup, and delivery of groceries and prepared meals
  • Increase locally sourced and diverse fruits, vegetables, grains, spices, dairy products, and proteins that are medically specific and culturally relevant
  • Partner with other CVOEO programs, such as Head Start and the Office of Racial Equity and Inclusion, to serve clients experiencing hunger from diverse cultural backgrounds and language groups
  • Hire and train bi- and multi-lingual employees
  • Build and deepen relationships with community partners to broaden our network of support
  • Rescue more usable food that would go to waste, reducing environmental impact and strengthening our hunger relief work
  • Feed our community today and into the future with a fund that will help ensure the long-term sustainability of this necessary work

Latest Hunger Free Vermont data from 2022 shows:


Dedicated volunteers work in tandem with staff to help meet community needs. You can volunteer as an individual, business, or family.

Make a Donation

Whether one-time or recurring, your gift will make a difference in the lives of the Vermonters we serve.

Donate Stock

We welcome your gift of appreciated stock!

Leave a Legacy with Planned Giving

You can make an impact for years to come when you include Feeding Champlain Valley in your estate planning or by making Feeding Champlain Valley a beneficiary of your retirement account, life insurance, & other assets.


Many of Feeding Champlain Valley’s programs rely on in-kind support from our community. We often seek new or like new clothing items, unopened food, baby clothes, toiletries, and more.